Level 6 Bsc (Hons)
Integrated Project Manager
Degree Apprenticeship
Course information
London Metropolitan College (LMC) in partnership with the University of West London (UWL) offers the BSc (Hons) Integrated Project Manager Degree Apprenticeship. This programme is designed to develop competent Project Managers and professional Project Management practitioners to fulfil the increasing demands of employers in the business industry.
Total Credits
360 (320 on-Programme credits + 40 End-point Assessment Credits)
Entry requirements
A level (level 3), normally in a minimum of two subjects, plus A-C or 9-4 GCSE qualifications (Level 2) in English and Maths. Applicants with no formal qualifications will also be considered on an individual basis.
Location of study
LMC London (Wimbledon)/UWL premises in West London/employer’s location.
Career progression
Eligibility to become full members of the Association for Project Management (APM), the Chartered Body for the Project Profession.

Standard Duration
Up to 48 months
Start Date
January, September
Quick Links
Contact Us
30 St George's Rd, London
SW19 4BD, UK
+44 (0) 208 075 7480